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The writings that lead us to God

From the April 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a teenager, I was working above a new display of soda pop at my job in a grocery store when some bottles exploded, sending shards of glass into my face and eyes. Soon after, I sat alone in a hospital emergency room waiting for my mother to arrive to authorize medical treatment because I was a minor. Staffing was lighter than usual because it was Christmas Eve, so a specialist doctor was called to come to the hospital to treat me due to the serious injuries.

Rather than focus on the accident or the injuries or the fears voiced by observers, I prayed to God, whom I knew as loving, just, and ever present from my study of the Bible in the Christian Science Sunday School I attended. Soon I felt a peaceful certainty of God’s, divine Love’s, constant care for me, and knew that God, good, was present and all-power. I also knew that divine Love’s care includes everyone; and this was helpful because I didn’t want the store manager and others who saw the injuries to worry about me. I was thanking God in my prayers when the specialist arrived.

Following the doctor’s examination, I was not admitted to the hospital because there was no longer any glass in my eyes to be removed, and no evidence of damage to them. There was also clear, smooth skin on my face where cuts had been. The physical healing was so complete that the doctor questioned why he’d even been called, but the admissions nurse assured him that my condition had been very serious when I’d arrived at the hospital earlier.

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